
夏季情侣装秀出甜美感情 [单品推荐]
很长得很清秀的情侣装 ,男版双V领设计,整体设计体现简洁大方。女装整体风格十分休闲,偶像味十足。手工订珠装饰,后面还有蝴蝶结松紧腰带,舒适不说,还很有范,只一件就足够有型。
夏季半身裙之蛋糕裙搭配 [单品推荐]
网络哥们画“流程图” 用箭头揭示感情源头归处(图)
   核心提示: 近日网络哥们“简单的美满1999”在微博上发了一篇名叫《感情进展流程图》新闻,新闻是一张画在泛黄的笔记本上的图片,用错综繁杂的箭头揭示了感情从何而来,归向何处。新闻一出,立刻引起了众多网络哥们的广泛关注和座谈,在两天内已经被转了2000余次。
Network buddy picture "flow chart" with the arrow to reveal the source of feelings depart (Figure)
Changsha, a maid cafe temptations
Core Tip: Recently, the network man "simple happy 1999" on the microblogging made one called "emotional progress flow chart" news, the news is a painting in the yellow notebook on the picture, with the intricate complexity of the arrow to reveal feelings come from, come back to where they are. News came out, immediately attracted wide attention of many networks and discussion buddy, in two days has been transferred more than 2,000 times.
Net posts: The end of the painful feelings
If you loved or loved, then you can be strong feelings of progress in the flow chart to find their place. Because the progress of the process reveals the feelings of two people to have feelings? In love and then what will be the outcome?
First: recognize, pursue, and romance ... ...
Two people in a long time together, one of them crush on each other, afraid to tell the truth, struggling in www.qu44.com pain, a long time, this feeling will sadly end up. The other information is the courage to tell the truth, and then rejected, or struggling to some of the time, choose to end this feeling, or directly to give up, but not with each other to avoid the painful end.
Second: know, love, and romance ... ...
Love between the two sides often quarrel, or in a suitable solution to select the information to break up, see each other, feeling the pain to a passage, or faithless in the course of argument, end a relationship. There is also a love between the two sides, the limited calm, uninteresting course of time, faithless, painful end.
The third: understanding, love, and then get married ... ...
The first one is the most successful: two are buddies, and often stay together, gradually gave rise to the pursuit of love, and then declare the success of the party, established a relationship, a smooth hand into the marriage hall. The second is to determine the relationship between two people, the beginning of the emergence of arguments, to be run after the two sides, a smooth wedding. Third to determine the relationship between the two sides after the beginning of plain living, flat faint continuation of joint licensing of survival. Result kind is two people living in the quiet, boring course of time, the results have chosen to get married.
After marriage is valid? Is not the end of the more painful ... ...
雪纺的面料有着质地轻透,手感柔爽,具有良好的透气性和垂感。做成的蛋糕裙穿着飘逸,舒适。碎花是今年的in花型之一,杭州为民防水工程有限公司 裙摆出的六角网网纱很有特点。
2011新款百褶蛋糕裙,夸张而且有层次的摆着设计使得整个裙子给人一种调皮的感觉,富有层次花边堆叠在一块让人爱不释手。 http://www.tb59f.com/dianji/tb59f-29.htm


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